Watch an illustration of My Friend Breath come to life!


✨ "Our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney ✨

Watch the dream of My Friend Breath coming to life in this short clip thanks to the talent of our incredible illustrator, Lena Bardy!

This is one of our favourite scenes from the book! πŸ’—

Are you curious to see the coloured version? 🎨

πŸ‘€ Then head over to the home page of the website to check it out! πŸ–Ό

πŸ’Œ But before you do, sign-up to our email list to find out when pre-orders become available!!


Learn more about My Friend Breath!


Introducing the My Friend Breath Editor - Tamara Rittershaus


Introducing the My Friend Breath Main Character - Ash!