A cartoon of Ash, a non-binary child in a teal superhero suit and mask, with a teal and white breath swirl circling around them and a purple starry night background.

Superhero Breathing Pattern Demonstrations & Variations

The four breathing patterns below are our foundational breaths which are introduced in the My Friend Breath Picture Book.

We recommend learning these breathing patterns by watching the demonstration videos before reading the book to a child and playing say-and-do.

Our virtual Superhero Club Playground contains these breaths, as well as an additional twelve superhero breathing patterns, each with a different focus emotion.

Connecting a breathing pattern to an emotion empowers adults and children with a shared strategy they can use to help change the way they are feeling, anytime, anywhere.

A cartoon image of a blue, sad butterfly, inside a thin blue circle outline with a white background.

The Butterfly Breath

    1. Instead of using your hands, bring your heels together on the ground and turn out your feet. Then tap with your toes as you breath.

    2. Use only one hand to do the tapping action, on your chest or anywhere else on your body.

    3. Close your eyes as you breath to focus your attention inwards.

A cartoon image of a red, mad kettle, inside a thin red circle outline with a white background.

The Kettle Breath

    1. Try doing the breathing pattern with either a loud or a soft exhale.

    2. Make your hands into fists as you inhale. Then release your fists and shake out your hands as you exhale.

    3. Hold your breath for a moment at the top of the inhale, and relax your shoulders and face. Then exhale and pause to relax for a moment at the bottom, before inhaling the next breath.

A cartoon image of a purple, scared starfish inside a thin purple circle outline with a white background.

The Starfish Breath

    1. Instead of tracing your opposite hand, trace your finger up and down your arm, or leg.

    2. Practice the tracing as a visualization, imagining tracing the sides of a star.

    3. Use your eyes to trace up and down as you breath. Try adding a nodding movement of the head or keep your head still and only move your eyes.

A cartoon image of a yellow, happy bumblebee inside a thin teal circle outline with a white background.

The Humming Breath

    1. Place your hands in the middle of your chest to feel the hum vibrate in your heart.

    2. Try humming loudly and then try humming softly.

    3. Create your own humming song using high and low humming sounds.

Swipe to explore all 16 of our superhero breathing patterns!

Each piece of equipment in a playground, such as a slide, swing, or climbing frame, offers a child a different playtime experience and helps them to develop their gross motor skills and physical fitness.

In the same way, each of our superhero breathing patterns in our Superhero Club Playground offers a child a different playtime experience, and helps them to develop their emotional fitness skills.

Learn more about each feeling focus and its corresponding superhero breathing pattern below!

We love our amazing community of superheroes!

It is a joy to share the magic of the breath with children, families, schools, and communities around the world.

We are grateful to do so through our My Friend Breath resources, as well as in-person, and virtual author visits.

Join us as we celebrate our amazing superhero community!

My Friend Breath Community of Superheroes Childrens Mindfulness Activities