My Friend Breath’s Core Message!


Children love to ask WHY??? It's one of their favorite questions! πŸ€”

Helping them to understand WHY their breath is a magical way to self-calm is the focus of our children's picture book, π˜”π˜Ί 𝘍𝘳π˜ͺ𝘦𝘯π˜₯ π˜‰π˜³π˜¦π˜’π˜΅π˜©.

Throughout the story the main character, Ash, empowers readers by encouraging them to repeat the catch cry:

❀️ "When I change the way I'm breathing, I change the way I'm feeling." ❀️

This embeds the understanding of WHY you should turn to your friend Breath when you're feeling sad, mad, scared, or any other uncomfortable emotion.

Then, by teaching four different breathing patterns, Ash shows children HOW to use their breath to change their emotional state.

What do you think of this explanation, would it pass your child's "why???" test?

Let us know in the comments below πŸ˜‹


Learn more about My Friend Breath!


QUESTION: Why are you so passionate about helping children connect to their breath?


Embracing life’s rainbow of emotions 🌈