My Friend Breath -  Illustrator Support - Lena Bardy in Ukraine

Supporting our Superhero Illustrator

Under the duress of the war in Ukraine, the talented Lena Bardy has demonstrated her resilience and perseverance whilst creating the beautiful illustrations inside our books and resources.

Lena’s dedication, positivity, and love for her country have radiated throughout our collaboration. She has become an inspiration and deeply valued part of the MFB family.

Which is why, as a way to show our ongoing love, support, and appreciation, we are committed to donating a portion of proceeds from each Superhero Club Membership to help Lena care for herself, and her families well-being, during this challenging time.

Lena’s resilience, positivity, and love for her country shines through during our collaboration on the My Friend Breath series.

A Message From Lena

“I have no words. Your offer took me by surprise. I cry and thank you. It will be very timely for me personally and for all of us.

The fact is that I need to take a long pause in my work, as I feel complete psychological exhaustion after a year of war and find it difficult to concentrate on the actual tasks at hand. This is why the creation of the book has been stretched out in time.

I need to recover. But it is difficult for me to afford it, since my family is financially dependent on my income.

Thank you! Your concern and generosity will pay you back in a big way. To your entire family. I am sure of it.”

Scroll to view some excerpts and images, from the 200+ emails we have exchanged, which provide insight into Lena's experience completing our illustrations amidst the war in Ukraine.

As you read these messages, please keep in mind that Lena uses a translation app to respond to our emails in English.

My Friend Breath Mindful Breathing - Sad to calm breath swirl
My Friend Breath Mindful Breathing - Mad to calm breath swirl
My Friend Breath Mindful Breathing - Scared to calm breath swirl
My Friend Breath Mindful Breathing - Scared to calm breath swirl

February 24th, 2022 - The war begins

“Hi Meg and Kelsey. The news is bad. A big war has broken out.

I have decided to upload all the files so you can download it.

I don't know if I will be able to work later. But for now, I've done all I can.

I will be in touch as long as possible and you can send me your edits. But be prepared to be out of touch for a while.

Pray for Ukraine”

I’ll always remember the moment when I received this email. Chills instantly ran through my whole body as thoughts flashed across my mind. “Will Lena and her family be alright? With only 2 pages of final edits to go, will she get to finish My Friend Breath? If anything happens to Lena how would we ever find out/know about it?” A deep pit of fear appeared in my stomach and the reality set in that the only thing we could do was hope, pray, and wait to receive her next email. - Kelsey

February 27th, 2022 - 4 days later

“Hello, Meg and Kelsey.

My family and I are safe and connected now.

We left Kiev the morning after my last letter. And another day later, the bridge on the highway we were leaving on was blown up.

The Russians are attacking Kiev from every possible direction. They are attacking civilian infrastructure, power units, children's hospitals, hitting residential buildings with shells and rockets. My friends are hiding in basements and subways.

I am very angry right now. I will cry afterwards. After my people, who are defending their land, have won.

And it will happen, I believe it with all my heart.

I thank you very much for your support and your prayers. Please continue to pray for Ukraine. It is more important now than ever before.”

A photo of a bridge on the Zhytomyr highway near the village Stoyanka in Ukraine after being bombed in February 2022

The bridge that was blown up, which has since been rebuilt, is on the Zhytomyr highway near the village Stoyanka, Ukraine.

“Dear Lena,

Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know that you are safe. With all that is going on for you, we very much appreciated your contact. Our concern for your safety, and that of your family is always with us.

Whilst we can’t imagine what you are going through Lena, know that you are in our prayers. We offer our love and support to you, your family and all the brave people of Ukraine. 

Thank you for keeping in contact.

With love and support,

Meg & Kelsey”

March 1st, 2022 - The illustrations are completed as fear builds

“Hello, Kelsey and Meg,

Thank you for your words and for your support.

I am very scared right now. My country is about to be destroyed. The Russians don't want peace. They either want all of Ukraine or?

I have uploaded the revised files you asked for.

I stay in touch.

Thank you,


“Hello Lena,

We are in awe, and hold immense gratitude, that you have been able to complete the revisions and the additional task with all that you are experiencing. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

It is with both a heaviness and a joy in our hearts that we celebrate coming to the end of the illustration phase of this project. Lena, working with you has been such a pleasure. Not only are we grateful for the professional working relationship we have developed, we are also incredibly grateful for the beautiful friendship that we have formed over the past 5 months. Amidst the darkness of these times we hope that this project and our connection has helped to bring you hope, joy, and peace also. 

Please, stay in touch and keep us updated. We care deeply for the health and safety of you and your family. We are holding you in our thoughts and prayers everyday. If there is more we can do to help, don't hesitate to reach out.

With lots of love,

Kelsey and Meg”

March 17th, 2022 - War continues and so does the support

“Allow me to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to you for your gift. I appreciate it very much.

I never thought I would have to leave my home and fit my family's entire life into three suitcases.

And my most troubling thoughts are, will I be able to return? Will my home exist in the future?

So your financial support will help me a lot in a new place where we are trying to live a normal life.

With great gratitude and love,


“Hello Lena,

We cannot begin to imagine how hard it is being unsure of what lies ahead for you, your family, and your country.  We admire your courage as you navigate your future whilst trying to live a normal life. Our thoughts are always with you and we are grateful to be able to provide some support. Please keep in touch when you can.

We look forward to sharing the finished 'My Friend Breath' book with you.  I showed some children last week, who were in total awe of your illustrations.  I heard many comments of "how did she do that?" You have captured so much beauty and magic in your drawings, we are forever grateful.

We pray for your safety and a peaceful resolution to this terrible invasion.  

Many hugs to you Lena.

Meg & Kelsey”

April 4th & May 13th, 2022 - Home is where the heart is

“Thank you for worrying about me.

I spent this weekend with my family. Life goes on and we got things going in the new place. The most important thing is family. The important thing is that everyone is alive, and a home can be built anywhere.

Although, of course, I miss Kiev.”

Lena (back, middle) with her children, Katya (left) and Lev (back right), as well as her mom Tatiana (waving), and younger sister Anya (front)

“Hello, Meg and Kelsey.

I'm very pleased to know that you remember and care about me. I'm doing just fine. We are planning to go home to Kiev soon. I understand that the danger remains, but for now I see it as the right thing to do.

I'm currently finishing another children's book. After that, I will be available for more assignments. I would be delighted if you would like to work with me again.

Hugs, Lena”

November 1st, 2022 - The second book begins!

“Hello Meg and Kelsey. 

I apologize for not answering earlier.  After the last rocket attack on Ukraine, we had no electricity and no internet for a day.  Now it has been restored. 

I agree with all your suggestions.  You can add this to the contract.  I can start working on a new book right now.  So send me the text and your wishes as soon as you can.  

Thank you.  


“Hi Lena,

Thank you for your reply under such tough circumstances. The resilience you and your people show is truly incredible.  I wish for peace to be restored to the Ukraine with all my heart.

I have attached the details for a canva document we have shared, outlining the text for Sail to Sleepytime.  

The vision we hold for this book is for it to have a magical dreamtime feel. We have added some thoughts in the comments beside each page, and we can discuss these further if need be.

We invite you to add your creativity to this project Lena, and look forward to seeing how it evolves.

We look forward to working with you Lena.

Love and gratitude

Meg & Kelsey”

November 25th, 2022 - Celebrating the launch of MFB!

“Hello, Meg and Kelsey.

I am writing to share in your joy over the book's release. Yay! We did it! I congratulate you and your whole team.

I and my family are fine. Even though we had no power for almost two days after the last rocket attack.

I am working on the first drafts for the second book. Unfortunately, the work is not progressing as fast as we would all like it to. Nevertheless, I think I'll be able to show the first results next week.


Lena “

Because of the war, delivery of the book into Ukraine was not possible. Thankfully Lena’s friend from Poland was able to receive them and visited her in September 2023. We are so grateful that after almost a year since publishing she can finally hold a copy and celebrate her amazing work in physical form!

“Hello Lena,

Thank you for letting us know you and your family are safe. We hold your safety and well-being in our thoughts daily.

Thank you very much also for your warm congratulations for the launch of My Friend Breath. We are thrilled with how the book has been embraced by people, and especially delighted by the lovely comments we have received about your illustrations.

We want you to feel the love and admiration everyone who sees the book has for you Lena, you have made My Friend Breath something very special indeed, and we are forever grateful.

Please know that we acknowledge the difficult circumstances in which you are working, and know that you are doing the best that you can.  We do not want to cause you added stress, and are fine with whatever time frame you can manage.

We appreciate everything you do for us Lena, and are grateful to be working with you again.

Big hugs

Meg and Kelsey”

December 13th, 2022 - Finding creative solutions

Hi Lena!

З Днем Народженнч вітаємо тебе! Надіюся що чудово просвяткували день 🎉🎂

(I had Mark help me with writing this birthday greeting to you!! xo)

I also echo Mum's gratitude for the amazing work you are doing with Sail to Sleepytime. It is quite enjoyable being back in the creative flow with this book, alongside the sales and marketing of the first one. We so love working with you as a team!

As mentioned, Mark will help me in creating the content for the actions in the book and translating them. We wondered if you would like to get on a call and do it together in real time so you can ask clarifying questions as we go. We would still record it so that you have it as a reference afterwards.

Please let me know what works best for you.

Big hugs and gratitude to you, Lena!


“Hello, Kels.

Thank you for the birthday wishes.

About your suggestion to call in real time:

Unfortunately, it's not technically possible right now. The fact is that power cuts in Kiev are rather spontaneous and it is impossible to foresee them with precision. I work with sketches with a pencil and also from my laptop battery. When the electricity is on, I try to focus on cooking.

After that, I devote my time to work.

But again, I don't have the opportunity to plan this time in advance.

So I would appreciate a video if you could do that for me. I will watch it at a time when I have access to the internet.

I feel uncomfortable causing you so much inconvenience.

Please understand that this is not my fault.

Thank you again for your congratulations and wishes.

With thanks, Lena ”

December 20th & 23rd, 2022 - Closing out the year with hope

“Hi Lena,

I'm excited to share with you the video that Mark and I filmed which walks you through the breathing patterns and EFT Tapping points for Sleepytime.

Mum and I had a working session today and have left some comments on the canva doc.

With the holidays approaching we are able to review any other adjustments you make up until Dec 23rd and will then be taking time off until January 3rd.

Amidst the stress of the war, we hold hope that you're able to create joy and celebrate Christmas with your loved ones.

We are sending you an abundance of love and hugs.

With our deepest gratitude and appreciation,

Kelsey and Meg xoxo”

“Hello, Meg and Kelsey.

Thank you so much for the work you have done. I am eternally happy to have such wonderful people as customers and partners.

Unfortunately, I haven't had time to draw anything new since the last change.

I had to finish another book in parallel with your project. I had a deadline on December 23. But due to the fact that there was almost no electricity in Kiev for the last week, I did not meet the deadline. For the first time in my life. Of course, I was accommodated and the deadline was postponed. But I am very disappointed and try to finish the book as soon as possible. I hope to be done by the new year.

After that, I'll also take some time off. At least a few days. I feel like the constant stress of ten months has worn me down. I want to recuperate a bit so that I can continue working on your wonderful book with renewed vigor.

I want to wish you both and all your loved ones a magical holiday of Christmas. May it be filled with light, comfort, love, and hot food. The simple things that we are used to and don't notice at all turn out to be so important. I want the best for you, because I feel your wonderful souls and I loved you for your inner light.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hugs, Lena”

January 13th, 2023 - Gratitude for our fateful bond

“Hello, Kelsey and Meg.

I want to thank you with all the strength of my love for all the words you said to me in the video. I couldn't hold back the tears of gratitude at the end. Thank you! Thank you Meg, thank you Kelsey and thank you Mark!

Almost all of my friends left Ukraine. I am left with few sources of inspiration and support. It is my family, my work, my hobby (I do embroidery, it is very calming) and you - my wonderful people, with whom I was joined by fate. Thank you.

I managed to finish all the sketches and now I'm waiting for your comments. I left some of my questions and comments in the canva. Please check it out.

Continuing to work with you with great inspiration!


Kelsey recording a heartfelt message for Lena, with her partner Mark translating it into Ukrainian.

The words of a true superhero…

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and understanding. I feel the love you are sending me.

Thanks to the support of my family, friends and such good people, including you and my innate optimism, I am trying to stop the darkness from taking over my life.

I will live my life. I will do what I love and support the people around me.

We keep the light and warmth inside ourselves. It is our strength.”

Lena Bardy

Lena Bardy, childrens book illustrator of My Friend Breath, joyfully painting in her garden.

Watch the magic of Lena creating an illustration

Please note: The video speed has been increased by approx 4x

Learn more about Lena

My Friend Breath Illustrator Lena Bardy with her family

About the Book

About Her Life

Finish the following sentences…

Every membership helps to support Lena and her family

As a way to show our love, support, and appreciation to Lena , we are committed to donating a portion of proceeds from each Superhero Club Membership.

  • $10 from every homeschool group, school/learning centre, and health service/professional membership.

  • $5 from each family membership.

This will be used to help Lena care for herself, and her families well-being, during this challenging time. As well as assist her to support local organizations which are helping her fellow Ukrainians.